Chemistry Laboratory
The Chemistry Laboratory is well located with an airy and spacious hall of floor area 175 sq.meter including a store room for safe keeping of explosive & corrosive chemicals in view of the Laboratory safety. Each working table in the laboratory is well furnished with reagent racks & well connected with water supply & Burners. The experiments prescribed by SCTE&VT have been carefully planned in cycles so that individual student can conduct single experiments independently and multiplicity of gadgets is avoided ensuring maximum resource utilization.The Demonstrator to students ratio in the labs is maintained at 1:15 and the lab groups are planned at 30 each. The students conduct their Lab. Assignments under the vigilant guidance and support of two faculty members, one Laboratory Assistant & one laboratory attendant.
The Chemistry Laboratory is well equipped with various instruments other than the usual glasswares & chemicals as per SCTE&VT syllabus, which includes:
- Digital Spectrophotometer
- Dissolve Oxygen meter
- Pensky Marten Flash Point Apparatus
- Cleveland Flash & Fire Point Apparatus
- Digital pH meter
- Triple Beam Balance
- Redwood Viscometer No.1
- Muffle Furnace
- Water Bath
- Water Distillation Unit
- Analytical Balance
As per syllabus prescribed by SCTE&VT, the laboratory is conducting with the following Experiments :
- Determination of amount of sodium hydroxide and sodium carbonate in a mixture.
- Estimation of calcium in limestone.
- Standardization of KMnO4 using sodium oxalate.
- Determination of Ferrous iron in Mohr’s salt by potassium permanganate.
- Determination of Viscosity of a lubricating oil by Red wood viscometer.
- Determination of Flash point of a given oil by Pensky_Marten’s flash point approach.
- Determination of dissolved Oxygen in a sample of water.
- Determination of percentage of available chlorine in a sample of bleaching powder.
- Determination of rate constant of acid catalysed hydrolysis reaction.
- Determination of total hardness of water by EDTA method
The department is also committed to sustain the scientific enquiry of the students and research that is socially beneficial.